Water level predictions from coupled MM5-ADCIRC models running at 12 km and reduced-resolution, respectively. The Stony Brook MM5 model, a mesoscale weather forecasting model, produces 60 hour predictions in about 120 minutes, twice a day. Wind speed and sea-level pressure predictions are then used to drive the ADCIRC storm surge ocean model over the same 60 hour period. The routine repeats every 12 hours, updating the forecasts.

Times are shown in Eastern Standard Time.

The Stony Brook Storm Surge Research Group is developing a real-time weather and ocean storm surge prediction system which can be used for a variety of purposes. Such uses include hurricane and nor 'easter flooding predictions and alerts, water quality and effluent dispersion, the feasibility of building storm surge barriers to protect the New York Metropolitan region from storm damage and coastal flooding in an era of global climate change and rising sea level.

Disclaimer: This model is under development and predictions for sea level height are for research purposes only. They should never be used for navigational purposes or emergency planning under any circumstances.
The Eppley Foundation for Research, Inc.